3528 high-pressure lamp with
300 * 1200mm Panel Light
5050 RGB lights with high pressure
5252 color lights with high pressure
Glue deep waterproof lights
Single-lamp color temperature lights
5050 color temperature lights
5050 60 lights filling plastic
5050 60 lights casing
3528 240 Lights
5050120 Lights
5050 RGB low-voltage lights
3528120 Lights
5050 Blu-ray high-voltage lights
5050 High-voltage lights
600mm * 600mm panel light
RGB Panel Light
Color temperature adjustment panel light dimmer
T8 single tube
T5 Integration lamp
SMD5050 Epoxy lights
240 mm* 16mm Round panel lights
Round color panel lights
Service Hotline:0755-23199255
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LED lighting market is currently a hot, large and small LED lighting manufacturers have joined in full swing LED lighting production boom, but a reality we have to face is that, LED lighting market reality is chaos, vicious competition led products uneven qual...
2019-06-04MORE- 2019-06-04Assess whether the standards of quality LED enterprises?
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