3528 high-pressure lamp with
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SMD5050 Epoxy lights
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Home > Product > LED lights with > Low-voltage lights series > Low voltage lamp tape > Low voltage lamp tape
- SMD5050 Epoxy lights
- SMD5050
Color Classification and Code Red (RD) yellow (YE) blue (BU) Green (GN) white (DL) warm white (WDL) full-color (RGB)
Color temperature below 3300K, known as warm temperatures. Color temperature 3300K - 6000K for the middle, so called "neutral" color temperature than the color temperature
6000K, light color bluish, known as cold color temperature.
Product details
1, can be bent, can be arbitrarily fixed in the concave and convex surfaces
2, long load length:. 220V can one meter a cut, can be connected to a conventional 100 m 100 m using a roll
3, waterproof performance, can be used outdoors, waterproof rating IP65: 4, installation is simple and low cost, no switching power supplies: a long glass adhesive can be used, the shorter you can use double-sided adhesive, you can also use the line groove fixed.