3528 high-pressure lamp with
300 * 1200mm Panel Light
5050 RGB lights with high pressure
5252 color lights with high pressure
Glue deep waterproof lights
Single-lamp color temperature lights
5050 color temperature lights
5050 60 lights filling plastic
5050 60 lights casing
3528 240 Lights
5050120 Lights
5050 RGB low-voltage lights
3528120 Lights
5050 Blu-ray high-voltage lights
5050 High-voltage lights
600mm * 600mm panel light
RGB Panel Light
Color temperature adjustment panel light dimmer
T8 single tube
T5 Integration lamp
SMD5050 Epoxy lights
240 mm* 16mm Round panel lights
Round color panel lights
According to "The Cairo Post" 20 日 reported that the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity (Egypts Electricity Ministry) A well-informed sources, the Ministry plans to grant 1.7 million LED light bulb within the next four months. According to the information that these bulbs will be distributed to local nine provinces in Egypt, in order to solve the country's energy problems.
Since the 2011 revolution in Egypt, the local power outage occurs frequently, the Egyptian people for a day 2-3 times a power outage frequency granted.
Egyptian Ministry spokesman Mohamed El-Yamany said that the Egyptian people strongly recommend the use of LED light bulbs, and air-conditioning temperature was maintained at above 25 ° C, and to avoid the simultaneous operation of all electrical equipment to help save energy.
In addition El-Yamany also pointed out that the Egyptian national grid installed capacity of 32,000 MW, which meets the highest demands throughout the summer; he also added that in the traditional Islamic festival "Ramadan" (daily during the month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset ) during the electricity capacity, its peak up to 28,000 MW.
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