3528 high-pressure lamp with
300 * 1200mm Panel Light
5050 RGB lights with high pressure
5252 color lights with high pressure
Glue deep waterproof lights
Single-lamp color temperature lights
5050 color temperature lights
5050 60 lights filling plastic
5050 60 lights casing
3528 240 Lights
5050120 Lights
5050 RGB low-voltage lights
3528120 Lights
5050 Blu-ray high-voltage lights
5050 High-voltage lights
600mm * 600mm panel light
RGB Panel Light
Color temperature adjustment panel light dimmer
T8 single tube
T5 Integration lamp
SMD5050 Epoxy lights
240 mm* 16mm Round panel lights
Round color panel lights
Do you believe it, the color is actually a living: they have smart, can make all kinds of color space affect our mood. However, in most people's living space, pale or warm light, we generally are accustomed. The new LED lights change color, that is, with dimming, color mechanism LED lamps, can have an effect to change the atmosphere of the space.
LED lights change color by the capacitor buck power supply, LED controller and G, R, B three-color LED arrays. Its shape and the same general milky white incandescent bulbs, but the lights will automatically change color according to a certain time interval. Back enclosure issued blue, yellow, green, purple, blue, red, white light. Color lights of the three primary color LED were originally two LED lights, it can be issued yellow, purple, cyan (such as red, blue and emit violet light is LED lit); if red, green and blue LED Meanwhile lit, it will produce white light. If there is a circuit to make red, green and blue LED lights are twenty-two alone and tricolor LED lights lit simultaneously, is issued to seven different colors of light. Outer bulb must milky. So as to better blending, not transparent material.
LED lights change color for home birthday parties, holiday parties, New Year holidays, to add festive atmosphere of joy: can also be used for entertainment and advertising lights. For example, to bring out the faint blue light, fresh and soft in the morning 6:00, and through the warm yellow, pink lovely, relaxed green, suitable for a comfortable scene. Romantic lilac can be reminiscent of the good memories, home or commercial space will be able to match the color of the atmosphere on the basis of need, no need to change the interior decoration or lighting up.
However, such lamps have a relatively trouble disadvantage is that control color variations of the circuit, the cost required is relatively high, and life expectancy drive circuit will be a problem, there are many kinds of solutions the industry has to cope with, it is expected that after 2009 class of applications will be more and more in 2010 to take off LED mood lighting market status.